Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Freedom's erosion begins with "correct speak" - RESIST

 Man must be “master of his own thoughts,” said Spinoza. He must never be “compelled to speak only according to the diktats of the supreme power.” That is the first task of the heretic, then: to resist compulsion. To speak as he sees. To never fear to express the truth. To refuse, at all costs, to say anything as abominable as “her penis.”

Brendan O’Neill is the chief political writer for spiked magazine, based in London. The above was taken from his new book, A Heretic’s Manifesto: Essays On The Unsayable, in which sources for the above quotations and references can be found.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

No one can tell you what to think...

 but they can erode your confidence in your ability to trust your own thoughts.

First - teach conclusions, not basis for conclusions.

Second - deny correct answers that do not match the answer guide (even if true and correct).

Third - belittle with facial expression and tone of voice, those whose conclusions differ from the accepted narrative.

Fourth - count as correct, answers that are clearly incorrect.

Fifth - communicate impatience if you are caught thinking before replying (orally or in writing).