Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Childhood is sacred

 Have you ever craved a time when you were free from society's expectations -- able to simply explore your own relationship with the world?

That special time is called CHILDHOOD and is essential to human growth and development. When short-circuited by conformity to expectations, the consequences are long-term not just for the individual, but for the entire society in which they live.

School, unfortunately, artificially promotes a sense of sameness by grouping according to age, rather than ability. Kids learn to look sideways rather than inward to determine what choices to make -- how to look, what to say.

In America, we have become so busy acquiring commodities, we lose the greatest (and most limited) one of all - time.

Now that Christmas is around the corner, my heart breaks for the anticipation focusing on acquisition of "stuff" rather than delight in time spent together.